8 Reasons Why You Should Go The Extra Mile

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Going the extra mile simply means putting in greater effort and rendering more service than what you signed up for or what is expected of you. Now the question is why would you do that? Why should you go the extra mile when no one is prodding you to, and you can safely relax rather than working hard? Well, going the extra mile bears fruit in every field of life, be it in love or in business.
1. Success in relationships
Arguments and differences are a part and parcel of any relationship. But to make a relationship work, one of you must compromise a little or go the extra mile to ensure that it is a success. Ever wondered how some people stay married for life while others just jump from one marriage to another? The difference lies in the level of commitment that they have. Unless you are ready to go the extra mile for your spouse or girlfriend, your relationship is doomed to fail.
2. Success at the workplace
Workplace conflicts have become commonplace nowadays with all the diversity of the workforce and difference of ideas. Besides, the pressure to perform is huge and hence, going the extra mile is the only way out.
3. Satisfying the stakeholders
If you are involved in a business, you will definitely know the importance of satisfying your customers and clients. You must go the extra mile to ensure that they are satisfied and you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. The trick is on doing the same thing but differently with more effort.
4. Get over procrastination
At the opposite end of the spectrum is procrastination. Forget about going the extra mile, some people don’t even do what has been allotted to them. They just keep on tarrying their work until it’s too late. In order to avoid procrastination and to give in your best effort, one must go the extra mile in every sphere of life.
5. Develop skills
You can’t become a great guitarist or a great playwright overnight. It requires unending toil and sacrifices to become a master in a particular field. If you don’t want to go the extra mile, you can forget attaining mastery over a skill.
6. Impact others
Your sheer commitment and diligence towards your work will definitely encourage others to follow in your footsteps. Just imagine how much good will come to society if everyone is ready to go the extra mile pitting aside personal prejudices and work for the greater good.
7. The best way
As F. W. Taylor had propounded, there is a ‘best way’ to do a job. So you should always strive to find that best way instead of just being happy with how you do it at present and while away your time. If the great scientists sat back and didn’t go the extra mile, we would still be living in a prehistoric society.
8. Stand out
Very few people are ready to give more than they signed up for. If you are, then, this is what will make you stand out from the herd. Always be ready to give your best and you will see yourself becoming indispensable to those around you.