8 Ways to Fight Loneliness

Photo Courtesy: eqphotolog
Loneliness is not just a minor phase of depression but also a social stigma. It’s nice to have some alone time and reflect on your actions or do things that you enjoy with yourself. However, loneliness ultimately makes you crowd-shy and sinks you deeper in depression. Here are 8 ways to fight loneliness.
1. Learn socializing skills
If you are a loner trying to fight your situation, you need to develop some socializing skills. You could read a self-help book or meet a counselor to learn ideas to cope with your loneliness.
2. Be involved in social interactions
You need to be up to your task in terms of interacting with people. You could begin with your family and cousins. Organize get-together and plan picnics. Don’t forget their birthdays and you will always have people around you.
3. Provide company to fellow loners
A better way to start socializing is to be with people who like to be alone. It could be a friend or an acquaintance. For all you know, he or she might turn out to be someone really special in your life.
4. Find a common connection with like-minded people
Most loners enjoy reading, listening to specific music genres and solving puzzles. You might find people with common interests on Facebook groups or Twitter. If you can find a common connection, you can enjoy doing those things in company of people like you.
5. Go out for walks
t’s nice to go for walks and workout. You will certainly run into people who workout regularly. You could strike up a conversation and for all you know it can be a beginning to seek companionship and start new friendships!
6. Don’t sit alone during lunch break
If you are working at an office, there is a chance that as a loner, you sit at your own desk and don’t mingle with your colleague. Go to the cafeteria, talk, laugh, share jokes and experiences with them.
7. Stay in touch with the long lost people
Don’t give up on people who you don’t meet so often. Ex-classmates, school friends, people from the club are those you have had good memories with. If you keep in touch, they will too.
8. Be more proactive in dating and take risks
Don’t hesitate to approach someone in a bar or order a drink for them. Initiate dating with nice one liners and get someone nice to go out with you.