9 Awesome Negotiation Tips

Photo Courtesy: jay8085
Negotiation is nothing but a means to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. While some people are born negotiators, some on the other hand shudder at the very thought of it. Just like no Tom, Dick and Harry can play a guitar, negotiation is not everyone’s cup of tea. While some people are too dominant and are used to having their way rather than negotiate, others are just too submissive or shy. So if you are amongst the second kind, do not lose heart. Read these tips on effective negotiation and follow them.
1. Know what you want
The first step in the process is to be clear about what it is that you seek from the negotiation. Have a clear idea of the objective of the negotiation before you rush into the talk.
2. Predict what the other party wants
It is not enough that you are just aware of what you want while being blind to the other party’s needs. You don’t have to be a mind reader to do that. Just analyze the situation and give a thought to what the other party might be seeking.
3. Plan
Little can be achieved without proper planning. Of course you will have to take some decisions on the spot, but that doesn’t mean that you will enter the arena without proper preparation. Since you already know what both you and the other person/party are here for, plan accordingly so that you can get the maximum out of the negotiation.
4. Listen
Listening is the most underrated skill. In fact, it is one of the primary skills one should develop if he/she seeks to be a successful negotiator. Instead of just sitting there talking to yourself and scheming, listen to what the other party has to say. It will give you an insight into their mind.
5. Build trust
Nurture an environment of trust instead of deceit. Until and unless, you trust each other, you will never be able to come to an effective conclusion to your negotiation.
6. Be aware of your BATNA
BATNA is the acronym for ‘best alternative to a negotiated agreement’. Just as it is important to negotiate, it is as much important to know when to walk away. Never accept an agreement which is inferior to your BATNA.
7. Relax
It is just a negotiation and not a war, so do not be too hyper about it. The world won’t end if your negotiation fails.
8. Never shy away from negotiating
Develop the confidence to negotiate effectively. You are no worse than others. Keep that in mind and you will never lose.
9. Create a written agreement
Last but not the least, always put your agreement in writing. It will not only act as a deterrent to both the parties from walking away from the agreement but will also give a proper structure to the agreement.
All the best!