9 Tips to be brave in life

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We all want to be brave in life. But before you set out to change yourself, ask yourself, “why am I doing this?” Is it because someone else feels that I cannot do it? or is it because if I don’t do this it will negatively affect my life? Once you are sure of why is it that you want to overcome your fear, you can follow some of these tips to be brave.
1. Categorize your fears
Being scared of a genuine danger is not wrong. It is a rational fear and you need not feel bad about it. However, being afraid of a cockroach or a lizard could be termed irrational because we all know that they are harmless. It is equally true that we all have our set of irrational fears and it is nothing to be ashamed of. Just try to understand if your fears are more irrational than rational and try to work on it.
2. Talk about your fears
Sometimes it may not be so easy to understand whether your fears are rational or not. In this scenario, you can take help from your friends and loved ones. Talk to people whom you can completely rely on and let them know what you are scared of. They will help you understand if your fears are genuine or is it all just in your head.
3. Accept that you are scared
Do not shy away from admitting that you are scared of something. Always remember that it is okay to be scared. Everyone has their our own fears and you are not alone. Only after you accept the facts can you prepare yourself mentally to face your fears.
4. Do not run away from your fears
If you have some irrational fears then you will never be able to overcome them unless you face them. This is where being brave counts. Being aware that you are scared of something, realizing that the fear is irrational, and finding courage to face it, is what true bravery is.
5. Find an inspiration
It is always essential to have a role model, someone that you look up to. This way you will be motivated to let go of your fears and try to achieve what your role model has achieved. You can read up inspiring stories of how several people overcame their fears and attained success in their field. This will definitely give you that extra push.
6. Get to know yourself
It is extremely important that you are fully aware of your own self. Introspect and analyze if your fears have a pattern or not. Are there some specific things or situations that scare you? This will help you get some perspective. Also, it will help you understand your own limitations and capabilities.
7. Remember that it’s not all about physical courage
How do you define bravery? Is it just about saving someone from a burning building or spending a night alone in the forest? Well, bravery is much more than that. Even simple things in life require you to be brave. Something as simple as talking to someone that you have a crush on could seem like an uphill task. Saying “sorry”, “thank you” or “I love you” require courage. Do not underestimate yourself based on what others consider as brave.
8. Think of the worst case scenario
Every time you are too scared of facing your irrational fears, ask yourself, “what is the worst that can happen?” More often than not, you will realize that your world will still be the same if you let go of the fear. Many a times we make it seem all big and scary in our mind even though in reality it is far less challenging.
9. Train your mind
It is all about being the master of your mind. If you train your mind to be strong and look at the facts, you will be able to overcome your fears. It is all about determination, perseverance, and will power. Talk to yourself every time you feel scared. Tell yourself that you are stronger than you think you are.