Are You A Dreamer Or A Doer? duchesssa
There is not much difference between the two actually. In the end, it all depends on your own ability to achieve your goals and fulfill all those things you wish to do.
Take Dr. Martin Luther King, for example. He had dreamt of seeing an undivided and racism free America, away from the oppression and hatred that was rampant and ruining the country. He had a dream and wanted to achieve it, no matter what the cost. He had to give up on his life but his goal was accomplished. The civil rights movement gained momentum and all laws of discrimination were eliminated because of his efforts.
It is best to be both, a dreamer and a doer at the same time. There are many out there, let’s take students in college or in high school for example, who dream of becoming something or someone when they grow up. At this period of their lives, these dreams take hold fully and most take the risk of achieving these dreams no matter what the cost. College courses, internships, student loans all require time, patience and endurance to go through and one must have the willpower and determination to do it. This is where the doer comes in and dreamer goes out. The dreamer side has done its part, it has started the journey of self-fulfillment and discovery. But now, it is the doer’s part to take control.
Most people end up just dreaming. They rarely end up realizing the long time periods these big dreams take to finally be achieved. It is like the famous saying, ‘Rome was not built in a day’ and that’s true. Martin Luther King didn’t get on a podium and deliver one of the most famous speeches in the world in front of thousands, just like that. It took years of hard work and struggle and the will to fight for his people and their rights.
We all must be doers. We all must have the will and drive to change and develop the things around us. No one can tell you how or when it can be done. It is up to you to find it within yourself.