How to Avoid Failure in Goal Setting? ilco
Goal setting is an important step towards achieving success. But if you under set or over set your goals, you can go straight down the road to failure. Let’s take a look at 5 ways in which you can avoid failure in goal setting.
1. Don’t set goals that are easily achievable
There’s no point in under setting your goals, achieving them and then celebrating your success. You have to objectively view your skills, abilities and circumstances and set your goals in a way that they become a challenge for you, not a cake walk.
2. Set legitimate time frames for your goals
Setting a goal without a time frame is like planning to save money for your next vacation without knowing when you want to go. In order to achieve results, your goal setting needs to be time bound. Every day, week and month should count in your goal setting to avoid failure.
3. Don’t let other people to advice you too much
If you share your goals with your loved ones and friends, it is bound to attract opinions, criticisms, reflections and advice. While it may be extremely lucrative to consider changing your goal setting plans, remember that failure in goal setting can be caused because of taking too many opinions. The best person to know your own capabilities and limitations is you, not others.
4. Prioritizing your targets is the key to successful goal setting
In theory, you can plan to achieve a thousand goals in 6 months, but that may not be practically possible. You must take some tough calls of deciding which goals get priority over others, even if all goals seem important. To avoid failure in goal setting, you must base your decisions on what is important to achieve, what you must achieve and what you can achieve.
5. Separate goals from tasks
A great way of avoiding failure in goal setting is by identifying your short term tasks from goals. People often mistake the two and invest unnecessary time in incorrect goal setting practices. As a real life example, getting the plumbing of your house done is a task while learning how to do the plumbing of your house is a goal.