How To Be Punctual Always?

Photo Courtesy: Looking Glass
Punctuality is one trait that is universal in appeal. Be it going to school, or taking a class, or appearing in court, or boarding a flight, being on time always makes things easier, and reduces stress, significantly. How to be punctual is really no rocket science. If you follow these few easy tips, you will never be late.
1. Plan
If you have to reach somewhere early morning, plan it the night prior. If you have to go for a party the next evening, yet plan it the night before. All the plans of the next day should ideally be made the day before.
2. Keep a margin
If you have to reach somewhere by 4:30 pm, plan to reach there by 4:15 pm, and you will surely be there by 4:30 pm. It is quite natural for you to leave home 2 minutes late or be stuck in traffic for some time. Hence, always be on the safe side by aiming for reaching a place 15 minutes prior.
3. Remember that you are not super human
If your plan of things looks like 1-2,2-3,3-3:30,3:30-3:45, then there is a very bleak chance that you will be able to make everything on time. Had you been a super human, it would have worked out always, and you would have always been punctual. So, keep this in mind, when you plan. Always make room for some buffer time in your schedule.
4. Don’t procrastinate
Procrastination is bound to get back at you sometime or the other. And if you are luck’s worst enemy, it will strike you when you have to be on time for an extremely critical event. So, finish tasks in time, so they do not come in the path of your punctuality.
5. Don’t be lazy
Most of the time, it is because we get lazy that we get late. Set reminders according to your schedule, which keeps on informing you about your commitments, so that laziness takes a back seat.
6. Prioritize
When impromptu things pop up, prioritize and rearrange your schedule so that all of your work is still completed in time. Learn to recognize the important and the unimportant and work accordingly.
Follow these tips on how to be punctual, and gradually it will become a habit. You can also try rewarding yourself every time you are on time so that you keep reminding yourself how being punctual helps avoid potential disasters.