How To Control Your Mind From Wandering? gabriel77
Have you ever sat down to study with the intention of covering a certain part of the syllabus but after a few minutes realized that your mind was not with you? In college, do you feel sleepy and think it is hard to understand what the teacher is teaching? While listening to your partner, do you feel your mind is neither with your partner’s words nor with you? If so, then you have a wandering mind and you should take steps to control it before the situation gets out of hand and you realize that time has just flown by without you realizing where it went.
There are different techniques and methods, which if learnt, will enable you to dissuade your mind from wandering. Out of all the techniques that you may employ to control your mind from wandering, the substitution, suppression and outburst techniques are the ones that are most used by people.
Suppression technique works by suppressing negative thoughts and feelings. Here, you are supposed to avoid thinking about unpleasant circumstances. In this way, only good thoughts transpire in the mind. Practicing deep breathing exercises works great when you wish to apply the suppression technique.
The outburst technique is the exact opposite of the suppression technique. In this technique, you are supposed to address the problems that you are facing. Here, you are advised to ‘speak out’ your emotions and vent your anger. For example, if you are angry with someone, you are expected to speak out your anger in front of a mirror and then cool down. Once the anger is out of your mind, it will stop wandering.
The other technique, which is most preferable, is the substitution technique. This is one of the best techniques to fight and control your own mind. Here, you are asked to ‘substitute’ negative thoughts with positive ones. You are supposed to look at the upsides of everything. Perfecting the substitution technique is an art, but once attained, it is a valuable asset throughout life.
Your mind wanders due to a variety of reasons. Having a lot of free time, losing focus, having no zeal and lack of goals are some of the reasons that contribute to a wandering mind. The best way to stop your mind from wandering is to start taking control of yourself. When you remind yourself of your goals, enjoy your life to the fullest and utilize each and every moment in time, then your mind won’t wander at all. If you believe in God, it is best to think of Him whenever you feel you’re losing focus. Having faith in yourself under any circumstances, having a positive attitude in life and relaxing yourself whenever you’re under stress will enable you to lead a productive life and do away with the problem that you’re currently facing.