How to Deal With Annoying Family Members?

Photo Courtesy: tourist_on_earth
Families are a great support at times when you are depressed or badly in need of emotional support. They stay with you through thick and thin but there are times when you wish they weren’t around in the first place. Some family members hold the supreme ability to drive you up the wall and annoy you to an extent that you cannot possibly take anymore. However, it is extremely important for you to maintain your composure and give them a positive treatment. This does not just give you satisfaction but will be a backlash to the annoying family member in a good way. Here are some tips to deal with annoying family members.
1. Change Yourself
This may be a cliché but is a for sure one that stands the test of time. If there is some change that you can bring to anyone, it can only be you. It is also not practical to get this accomplished when you might as well adjust in case you want the relationship to be healthy. It is always easy to change your behavior rather than getting someone else to do the needful.
2. Lend a Patient Ear
Very often, you may have realized that a lot of problems originate from misunderstandings. You may misunderstand something that a family member tried to convey. Finally, a mountain evolves from a molehill. If you had offered a patient ear to someone who is angry or frustrated, you could have averted the situation. Thinking about this retrospectively is no good to you or the family member. Do the needful at the first place and resolve most issues amicably. When you exhibit patience, the person who is trying to annoy you will show some maturity.
3. Stand up during Tough Times
Life seldom is an easy pathway. There are times when you are on top of the world, some other times when you prefer to have your own space and few other times when you require someone who will empathize and give you the much needed support. Stay during such times with your annoying family member and notice the difference in which he/she talks to you subsequently.
4. Create Boundaries
Conversations are of different kinds. It is good practice to get away from those that are delicate and have adequate reason to become repulsive. This is all the more needed when you are with a family member who is either annoying or uncomfortable to be with. While it may not be possible to steer clear of all conversations, drawing a clear line whenever and wherever necessary can do the trick.
5. Watch and Learn
If you are having problems with a specific family member, determine if it is only with you or if others are having similar issues. If the former is the case, then you may have to mend your ways or do something more appropriate. If others are also finding problems with this person, observe the way they deal with him/her. Watching another point of view can help you help a solution to your problems.
At times, ignorance helps. Few other times you may need to show the maturity of handling such people. However, it all depends upon the kind of problem and the situation involved. Showing kindness is a winner at most times and will help you deal with the individual in a better way.