How to Deal With Stress at Work? brainloc
A recent survey has revealed that 53-66% of workers feel stressed at their workplace. Thus, it has become very important to handle stress related issues at your office. Stress can take its toll overnight or sometimes gradually depending on a person. Here are a few tips to deal with stress at work.
1. Prioritize
When the work load increases, it is best to prioritize the work and act accordingly. This not only saves time and energy, but also reduces the last minute struggles which invariably may lead to a lot of stress.
2. Be Efficient and Effective
From our childhood, we’ve always been told to be more efficient and effective in what we do. This is the best time to follow that advice. Work, be it small or large, at the end of the day, our bosses expect it to be the best. Also, we expect it to be least stressful. So, sit down and think on how you can better your work without adding to your stress level.
3. Relax, Rest, Sleep
Sleep will give you the much required rest and also help you channelize your thoughts. Take a break from your load. Take a break or have a cup of coffee, talk to your friends or take a walk down the road.
4. Seek help
This might not be necessary or allowed. But if you can, do seek assistance when you need. There is no point banging your head on the desk over something you know you can’t achieve. There is nothing wrong in asking for someone’s help. You’ll only be adding to your stress if you try to push your limits.
5. Eat and drink healthy
Food plays a very important role in managing stress. Junk food and aerated drinks indirectly add to your stress. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and also, drink lots of water. This will not only help you in being fit, it will also help you cope with your work.
6. Exercise
This is one of the best ways to relieve yourself from the stress at work. Hit the gym or go for a swim. Do it regularly and you’ll feel the difference in a matter of days.
7. Build good relations at work
You spend most of your time at your workplace and it makes complete sense to make a few friends there. It may help you with your job or with your workload. We all know that having friends always helps us in a million ways. From getting your work done, to recreation, to relieving your stress. Like the old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
One can cope with stress the moment one faces it. What matters is how one does it. Nip it in the bud and you’ll be saved. Stress is not fatal, though it can devour you from the insides if not handled early and well.