How To Find Out Where You’re Going Wrong If You’re Failing Again And Again?

Photo Courtesy: Dave Keeshan
It is okay, and in fact, very important to fail. Your strength lies in learning from failure and finding out what is coming between you and success. Find out what our readers had to say when we asked them, “How can you find out where you are going wrong” with regards to the ideas of failure and success.
“You can find out where you are going wrong by making a checklist and then ticking of all the things that you did to achieve your goal. When I had my first interview with a top fashion house for a job as a designer, I made a checklist of things I should know before going. Although I failed the first time, I used the checklist again to find out where I was going wrong and succeeded the next time around”, said Wendy, 29, now a very happy designer. Do you think a checklist can help you analyze your failure?
“Your resources are the first thing that you should check to find out where you are going wrong”, said Dan, 31, a coffee shop owner in Atlanta. He failed to woo his customers with his coffee and failed to find out where he was going wrong until he started checking his resources, which turned out to be his suppliers. “I found out that my suppliers were supplying low quality coffee beans to me. No wonder everyone did not like the coffee. Now that I’ve changed suppliers, my coffees bring a smile to many faces”, beams a proud Dan.
An interesting tip on how to find out where you are going wrong was given by Celine, 35, a sales rep with a telecom company in NYC. “The first thing you should analyze while trying to find out where you are going wrong is your attitude. You may be pulling all your strings to convert your efforts at your job but still fail because of a bad attitude”, said Celine, 29. A bad attitude and a bad temper were driving away Celine’s customers and making her lose out on sales.
“The best way you can find out where you are going wrong is to take time out between your attempts to distress and rejuvenate”, said Laura, a 28-year old medical school student. Laura failed to clear exams for one of the country’s top colleges thrice. “After failing thrice, I took time and a year off from work and studies. That year off helped me de-stress and regain my composure to come back fighting for the fourth attempt at these exams. Now I look forward to studying medicine at one of the best colleges in the country!”, exclaimed Laura.
“A great way to find out where you are going wrong is to talk to an expert”, said Jim, 52, a career counselor in Chicago. We think this is a great tip because sometimes it may be hard to find out why you are failing all by yourself. “An expert will be able to provide insight into the line of work or the field in which you are trying to succeed”, added Jim. A point well made, don’t you think?