How to Get People to Do What You Want?

Photo Courtesy: sbeez
Before you begin reading this useful piece, it is important to note that it is not about manipulation, and definitely not about turning evil and doing ‘stuff’ that lies in the gray of morality zone. It is more about slight turning into the kind that is harmless and in mutual interest of a harmonious living!
Who has not wanted to get the superpower of bending the human will of your fellow men so that they can do whatever you want them to do! Such a dream, isn’t it? While it is not entirely possible (and ethical) to get everyone to do whatever you want, but there are a few tactics that you could employ to get people to do what you want.
1. “All I want is what is good for you!”
Always try to make the other feel as if you are only interested in his/her gain, his/her betterment. And slyly slip in what you want him/her to do in a way that comes off as you wanting him/her to do something only because it will benefit him/her. Keep the ‘nicey-nice’ card in your bag of tricks, and see your powers of persuasion flourish.
2. The guilt card!
If being nice is not working out too well for you, you can always get someone to do your will by sending them on a guilt trip. Think hard about what is it that they did that was so awful that you are absolutely sure that they want to atone for that ‘sin’. Use it to your advantage, but not too often, lest they will see through you, and then your guilt-trip will backfire on you!
3. Empathy
Everyone needs a ear. Be there for them when they need someone to let it all out to. Empathize sincerely, and when the time comes, they will do what you want, because hey! You were there for them too!
4. Be the authority
Make the other person believe that you are the authority on what you want him/her to do, that you have worked hard and gained sufficient knowledge so that he/she thinks you know what you are talking about. Who can refuse something when you appear super confident? Acting comes in handy many-a-times.
5. Love is better than hate
Instead of bossing someone around, try to ignite adoration and respect in them for you. If someone respects you, they will do what you say, and will do so happily. Be genuinely good, and you would not use any other tricks to get someone to do what you want.