How to Give Positive Feedback and Encourage Someone? baikahl
Giving a positive feedback to someone for the kind of work that he/she has done is very essential. If someone is doing a fine job, then his/her work must be acknowledged and he/she should be credited for this with some positive comments. It really acts as a motivating factor when someone assesses your work and credits you for the hard work which you have put in for a job. Thus, a positive feedback can in turn give out many positive results. Find out how to give feedback and encourage someone with the tips listed here.
1. Keep it public
While giving feedback, a very necessary precaution that should be taken is that a negative feedback should always be given privately while a positive one should ideally be given publicly. It’s also fine if the feedback is given privately. If a person is criticized in public, he/she loses self-respect and self-confidence. On the contrary, a positive feedback will always boost up the morale of a person.
2. Keep it precise
The feedback should be accurate and not vague. It should clearly tell the reason for which the person is being credited. This will always prevent the person on the receiving end from getting over confident. A vague and irrelevant applause might creep the “I am the best” feeling inside him/her.
3. Keep it real
A positive feedback should be real and not fake. A person should be applauded and awarded only for a task which has been completed exceptionally well by him/her and has given a lot of profit to the company or has procured positive results for others. Criticizing or lauding someone every now and then would surely have ill effects on the person’s confidence. Thus, a positive feedback should be actual and exact.
4. Share the impact of the job done
After you give a positive feedback to a person for his/her effective carrying out of the allotted job, he/she should also be made aware of the changes or breakthroughs or revolutions that his/her job has made, as the case might be. Once he/she is informed about the formidable outcomes of his/her commendable efforts, he/she will be encouraged to a great extent to work much harder and try to get better results the next time.