How To Handle Power With Dignity?

Photo Courtesy: BAIA
Being in charge does not settle easily with everyone. It is crucial to stay levelheaded and reasonable, despite being the boss and having the right to scream at people working under you. Let us explore some easy ways to maintain composure and handle power with dignity.
1. Do not forget you were there
No one starts his or her career from the top, right away. It is imperative to understand as a boss that there is a learning curve in every job, and a progression ladder in everyone’s career. Keep this in mind when a messy situation arises because of a subordinate’s carelessness or inability to do a job the right way. Cut them some slack and be patient, at least until the situation gets out of hands. Share your own experience with them and preach them on how you overcame and learnt from your mistakes.
2. Give your subordinates the right treatment
Treat your subordinates the same way you would have wanted your seniors to treat you. Being friendly is essential; however draw the line wherever necessary. Ensure you come across as a reasonable and understanding, however, a no-nonsense boss.
3. Courtesy is the key
So what if you are the boss? You still can say ‘Please’, ‘Sorry’ and ‘Thank you’. These words are not hard to mouth and can mean a lot to the listener, in this case, your subordinates. Despite having the power to be rude, when you show humility and politeness, you are respected as a person. Make little gestures such as a good morning wish, invite for a coffee or a casual walk around the office campus.
4. Show appreciation and give constructive criticism
There is no progression without criticism. So provide your employees with appropriate and constructive criticism whenever necessary. Also, appreciation should be given for every job well done, no matter how simple. Both must go hand in hand in order to help your subordinates understand their weakness and strength. Be frank and honest. And yes, partiality kills loyalty. Don’t show selective favoritism, whatsoever be the reason.
Remember do not get carried away or simply boss around just because you can. Being called an arrogant bitch or an irritating swine is really not a pleasant feeling. Instead, be the boss every employee longs for. All the best!