How to Know If Someone Is Using You?

Photo Courtesy: Stephen Brace
If everyone is selfish and using all possible means to reach desired ends, how can you be sure that someone you rely on is not using you as a means? Do you get a feeling that people around you utilize your effort, help and assistance to get what they want? Do you wish to know if someone is using you? Then take a look at these hints and learn how to know if someone is using you.
1. If you have a friend who calls you only when he is in trouble, or only when he wants something, then chances are you are just a “provider” to him. Let him go.
2. If you have a friend who makes you pay for drinks and dinner and rides around in your car like 9 out of 10 times, he is a freeloader. Get rid of him.
3. If you work under a team leader/boss who never appreciates you but asks you for ideas all the time, then he is just getting work out of you without acknowledging you or your talent. Leave him.
4. If your partner throws temper tantrums all the time and blames you for whatever wrong happens, call the relationship off.
5. If you find yourself thinking why are you friends with someone when they treat you wrong usually, then you are most probably right. They are indeed using you.
6. If someone is being extra sweet to you, and you can’t think of a reason why that is, then more often than not, they are in the process of trying to get something out of you.
What to do when you find people using you?
Keep your eyes open, and fine tune yourself to your own instincts. We all have this protective reaction to such people, and with patience and experience, we can easily recognize if someone is trying to rip us off or is trying to take advantage.
The key is to be aware, and sensitive to changes in people around you. Also, it is equally important not to turn into a paranoid and not trust anyone. Everyone is bound to trust the wrong person at one time or another; what matters is how you take it, how you get over it, and how you learn from it.
No two persons are the same, and everyone, including you, changes with time. Go with the flow, use what you learn, and listen to your instincts. Life is nothing but a journey. Live it!