How To Not Be Jealous Of Someone Else’s Achievement? intuitives
Have you ever felt that you are inferior to someone when you try to compare that person with yourself? Or have you ever felt that the other person didn’t deserve the success he got? Has it ever happened that your friend got better grades than you and you couldn’t stop feeling that perhaps you should have got good grades too? If this is so, you are suffering from jealousy – an emotion which emerges out when one tries to compare oneself with another person and finds that he has been stuck at a place in life behind the other person. This trait is not only dangerous but also leads to depression, feeling of inferiority and ultimately resignation to one’s fate with the belief that he/she is capable of nothing. So, how do you look at other’s achievements in a good light? How do you not feel jealous for someone else’s achievements? Read ahead and find out.
1. Don’t compare yourself with others
Every individual is born with some distinct qualities and all are unique in themselves in one way or the other. Moreover, even if injustice has been done to you and you do deserve better in life, mere fretting over it won’t help, but taking steps and increasing your efforts for more productivity in your life definitely will. No one can ever steal your abilities, sometimes you just have to harness them.
2. Keep negative energies away!
Try to think positively at each particular situation, and take out the positive aspects from each situation. Keep away from all the negative energies! Don’t let your confidence go down, communicate with people, and have patience. Perhaps, people concerned have not seen your abilities because you never showed it to them!
3. Don’t be affected by other’s achievements
It is but natural that people want to be the best in their life. Yet, all must understand their own limitations and work towards achieving the utmost within their potential. If you get affected, you lose out and get stalled on the path of progress.
4. Find out what is making you jealous
Are insecurities making you jealous? Or is your self-confidence going weak? Are too many negative thoughts wandering in your mind? Find out the root cause of your jealousy and then you will know how to tackle it. Remember, rational thinking is a human trait, and when one does so, all problems dissolve. To focus, always channelize your thoughts.