How to Spend a Sunday Alone?

Photo Courtesy: Ed Yourdon
At the end of a hectic week, one would love to have a fun-filled Sunday with family and friends. A get-together would be a great stress buster. But to your disappointment, you realize that you are home alone on a Sunday. How do you pass the time? Here is a guide on how to spend a Sunday alone and what you can do to entertain yourself on a Sunday.
1. Write
Writing is an asynchronous form of communication, which means that it doesn’t require any person at the receiving end. Writing increases your knowledge, promotes logical and systematic thinking and reduces stress. Writing also helps in improving communication skills to a greater extent. In fact, writing can be very adventurous.
2. Read
Reading is a good way to pass the time. It also improves vocabulary. All you have to do is decide a genre which interests you and pick a book of your choice. You can also consider downloading a few eBooks, sometimes available free of cost on the Internet.
3. Learn something new
Learning is one of the most important aspects of living alone. Learning is not always restricted to books. You can learn to play a musical instrument. There are various softwares that provide a virtual instrument, if you don’t have one. Websites provide free tutorials too.
4. Play games
Video games prove to be a great source of entertainment. Playing games is advantageous too as it improves hand-eye coordination, enhances creativity and distracts the mind from discomfort. This is also a good learning medium.
5. Watch TV
This is probably the easiest thing to do if you are home alone on a Sunday. Watching a movie, a game of soccer or a documentary would be a good option provided you have nothing else to do.
6. Exercise
Burning some calories is not a bad idea especially when you are bored at home. Do some push ups or sit ups or lift a few weights, if you have a set of dumbbells at home.
7. Listen to your favorite music
Music is a great stress reliever. Make a playlist of your favorite tracks and play it loud or on the iPod. You can also show your creative side by modifying the songs using various music editing softwares available online.
8. Be creative
Get crafty and take up a new project at home. You could try painting, sketching, designing or cooking depending on your interest.
9. Go outside
Go out for a date with yourself. Watch a movie or have lunch at your favorite restaurant. With the absence of any sort of company, you are free to do anything you like.
10. Meditate
Meditation is a self-induced mode of self-consciousness. If you are in search of peace, try meditating.