How to Stay Calm During a Crisis?

Photo Courtesy: BarbaraWilli
Stress from work, health issue or family life is not uncommon for anyone. Sometimes you find it rather difficult to maintain the calm and poise in such stressful situations. But the key to resolve any issue is a peaceful and calm mind. There are certain ways that can help a person to avoid panic and anxiety before they can create problems in his/her day-to-day life. These steps will guide a person on how to stay calm during such a crisis situation.
1. Take deep breaths
The first and very simple way of releasing stress is to take long and deep breaths. It might be a short-term measure but it definitely helps at the moment. Shallow breathing at the time of crisis can only add up to the pressure. Hence, taking some time to breathe will regain the lost stability and one can go ahead and tackle the issue.
2. Enjoy exercise
Indulging in Yoga or some kind of exercise is an effective way of handling stress and pressure. Even a stroll outside or a swim can do wonders during a crisis. Exercise tends to keep a balance between the body and the mind and hence a person keeps calm when in a crisis.
3. Have a healthy diet
Yet another way of letting go of stress and anxiety during crisis is eating a healthy diet. Food is the fuel for the human body which a person tends to avoid during crisis. It is totally wrong to skip meals as good and healthy food will provide the required energy to fight off the pressure and bring back serenity in life.
4. Surround yourself with positivity
Positive atmosphere also plays an important role in easing up stress and panic. Surrounding yourself with things that say positive and cancel the negative is another way of staying calm during a crisis. Everybody may have different things that help them relax and allow the pressure to escape. For example, some might gain strength from their family photograph or some people even feel relaxed by looking at some inspirational posters.
5. Take a break
Taking a break from all the chaos and anxiety also helps a lot. If the crisis really becomes overwhelming, it is better to take some time off. A vacation can help to take off the intense pressure and help the mind to think of a solution. Taking some time off is definitely not a sign of laziness or something to feel guilty about. Instead it will help a person to restore the peace and balance in his/her life which is somewhat lost in his/her daily life.
Crisis has the power to disturb us only if we don’t know how to deal with it. With the above mentioned tips it will be easier for you to handle a crisis with some ease.