Is It True That The First Impression Is The Last Impression?

Photo Courtesy: Fritjof_Andersson
We hear people saying that the first impression is always the last impression. The first image of a person inhabits our mind for very long. We believe that though it stays on our mind for a long time, that image can not always be permanent. As we all know that only ‘change’ is permanent. So, with the passage of time, that image or impression can also change, if allowed to. In other words, ‘change happens when you allow it to happen’. If you vehemently close your senses and your mind to any change or transformation in a previously built image then it goes without saying that the first impression will gradually solidify, hence becoming the last impression. But, there can be another side to it.
Can you recall a professor who seemed dull, boring, and strict on the first day of your college but with time he/she proved to be the best among others. Do you remember that guy who was very uninterested and sedulous when you first met him but lately you realized how cool he is? His name now appears somewhere in the list of your crushes? Or can you recall a nerdy girl who gradually became a very good friend of yours?
Human mind, as scientifically proven, is the most powerful machine ever known. Another fact is that we humans are experts at using it the way we want. We can condition it according to our whims and fancies. Similarly, we can decide whether to make an impression the last imprint or not. Here, in saying so, we do not mean to completely throw out the idea of ‘first impression as the last impression’. There are many instances when your first instinct proves to be obvious and permanent. Just like the above instances, there might be other experiences like of a new neighbor who at first seemed cunning, and even after your sincere efforts her actions and consequent image remained unchanged. Moreover, this statement holds true in professional setups, may be because there you do not get ‘another’ chance to prove yourself. Like your interview, or may be during a meeting with clients, you ought to put in your best because with them you dont have a long term interaction and the whole of your success would be related to your first impression. Hence to be on a safer side your first impression has to last in their minds.
To sum up, your mind and the circumstances around you decide whether the first impression becomes the last impression or not. There is no hard and fast rule behind the notion’ first impression is the last impression’ as it is completely situational and depends totally upon your wish.