Learn How To Control Anger With These Top 5 Tips

sxc.hu: dyet
You might be knowing of millions of proverbs speaking about the downsides of anger, but when the actual situation arises, you let anger take control, don’t you? We attempt here to give you a few tips on how to not let that happen.
1. Distract yourself
It is just that moment of anger that you need to withstand, after which you will, at least marginally, have better control over your words and actions. So, during such moments, use distractions to prevent yourself from doing or saying anything foolish. The moment you realize you are angry, start counting in your head or think of your favorite food item.
2. Walk away
It seriously helps! When you know that your patience has run out and you are about to lose control, excuse yourself and walk away from the place. Go get some fresh air or drink a glass of cold water. Once you are far away from the anger-inducing place or situation, your head may clear a bit and you may be able to calm yourself.
3. Meditate
Meditation is one of the best ways to keep your emotions under your control. Just a few minutes of meditation everyday will do wonders to your self-control. You need not be the vigorous meditator who spends hours in an isolated silent room. Every morning, spending a few minutes in silence on your own bed will do.
4. Think and think more
Before you begin to unleash your temper on the other, think for a moment about how it will make you feel later. You will surely feel remorseful and would have liked to handle the situation in a better manner. You may even feel embarrassed thinking of how you reacted to the whole incident.
5. Think of your social image
When you constantly get angry and show it out in an impolite manner, others will see you as a short-tempered person. This will obviously tarnish your image and you will come across as an unlikable person. Making new friends will be almost impossible, and alienating people is what you will eventually become good at. You need to keep in mind these non-pleasant side effects that anger brings along and cool yourself down.