Top 5 Dressing Tips For Men To Show Off A Great Personality mikecco
The way you behave, walk and talk do tell a thing or do about your personality, but nothing beats the effect of how you dress in order to make a good impression. If you dress well, people are going to notice you. A man with a good dressing sense is often known as a man who means business. Here are 5 important dressing tips for men that you must know to show off a great personality.
1. A white shirt is your best friend when confused
Whether it is for a meeting, a date or a presentation before a client, we all have times when we really can’t figure out what to wear. During these times, we suggest you follow this important dressing tip for men and stick with white. A white shirt will save the day for you when you are confused whether to go with purple or some other random color on a black pant. Even on a casual date, a plain white t-shirt will look much better than some other fashion disaster.
2. Match your ties and shirts
One of the most important dressing tips for men with regards formal wear is to choose your tie and shirt combination wisely. Every now and then, we all have men coming to the office with horrendous shirt-tie combinations which make a dent in their impression and their personalities. Don’t let this happen to you and make sure you choose the right tie with the right shirt. If we were you, we’d stay away from fancy or novelty ties.
3. Watch your socks
Unless you are going to a Halloween party or a punk rock concert, you’d want to stick with socks that are matching or at the most, a shade or two different from your trousers. This dressing tip is all about saving grace when you sit down and your trousers lift up to reveal your socks. You should also remember to wear black socks with black trousers. Don’t you dare come to the office wearing white socks under a black trouser!
4. Choose a nice watch
We know that many men prefer to keep watches away from their wrists, but let’s face it, doesn’t a good watch look great? Of course it does and that’s why, we suggest that you pick the right watch for yourself. Brown watch belts are great when paired with casual wear while metal belts including silver, platinum and other similar shades can be paired with a formal attire. This important dressing rule will go a long way because a man’s watch often says a lot about his personality.
5. Shabby shoes are a complete no-no
“You can tell a lot about a man by looking at his shoes” is a common perception, which is absolutely right. Except a camping trip, shabby shoes are a complete no-no in any man’s dressing rule book. Clean and stylish shoes show that a man is concerned about the way he looks and portrays a strong personality. This important dressing tip also means you should update your shoe design with the passing trend because wearing outdated shoe designs can give your personality a major faux pas.