Top 5 Facts About Meditation You Never Knew

Photo Courtesy: Kashirin Nickolai
Almost every religion in the world practices and promotes meditation or other self calming techniques. Why pay expensive hospital bills and a GP’s fees when you can keep fit and healthy by meditating a few days in the week? Here are the top 5 facts about meditation that you will love to know.
Fact #1: Meditation reduces breath rate
Everyone knows that keeping eyes closed and meditating can calm a hyper personality. In fact, experts consider that an average human completes a cycle of 20 breaths per minute and meditation can reduce it to 8.
Fact #2: Embraced by humankind since time immemorial
One thing that stands common across all philosophers, theosophists, religions and ancient history is that meditation is a state of mental well-being. From Christianity to Judaism, from Hinduism to Greek philosophy to Taoism, every single belief system in the world has accepted the benefits of meditation.
Fact #3: Methods of practice
This is a top fact about meditation that we’re sure you would like to know. Meditation doesn’t simply mean closing eyes and sitting in a corner for a few hours. You can practice meditation by chanting, getting hypnosis under an expert, by visualization, repeating prayers, through Yoga or by concentrating on a certain point without blinking your eyes.
Fact #4: Innumerable health benefits
Everyone knows that meditation is highly recommended for calming nerves and reducing anxiety. But did you know that it is also very helpful to reduce pain, blood pressure, respiratory ailments, hormonal imbalance, indigestion and many other illnesses? Talk to your medical practitioner to know more about these facts of meditation.
Fact #5: Get better memory
Did you know there’s a huge fad to teach meditation to school going kids? That’s because meditation practiced on a regular basis can increase sharpness, aid memory and reduce aging. Spread this fact about meditation to as many parents as you can!