Top 6 False Beliefs Stated by Unhappy People

Photo Courtesy: discoodoni
A lot of people are unhappy because they worry a lot about things that do not make much difference. They do not know that happiness comes from within. In order to convince themselves that they are not meant to be happy, they hold a lot of negative beliefs which are lies. Here are the top 6 false beliefs stated by unhappy people
1. Happiness is rare and it only belongs to people who are lucky.
Unhappy people are, of course, not happy! What they do not understand is that life is a mixture of happiness and unhappiness, but then, most of it depends on how we react to things, and how we think. People who are generally unhappy think negative for most of the time ,and are easily taken over by worry, tension, thoughts of anxiety and any kind of negative thoughts. They believe and say that happiness is hard to find, and the one who is happy must be very lucky and blessed.
2. I know what other people think about me.
Unhappy people believe that they know how other people see them or think about them. They seem absolutely sure about all the negative things that others might be saying about them behind their back, even if it is not true. They think that everybody else only want to demean them in any way possible; this is the reason why they are so unhappy.
3. I cannot control my life and circumstances.
They think that they cannot control their life and circumstances because for them, being happy is an external matter. They do not understand that happiness has to do with the mind, and not with any external subject. They believe that if they could control how their life shaped up, they could have been happy, but since they are unlucky and are unable to control their life, they are so unhappy.
4. Other people are fools and compassion is a rarity.
People do not have compassion and that everybody is unkind and only bothered about his/her own good, is a very common belief of unhappy people. They feel that their happiness depends upon other people and that it is because of others that they are not happy. So they blame others for almost everything. If they cannot blame them, they will say that they are fools.
5. I must think of all possible negative outcomes of every situation.
Unhappy people always think negative. No matter what happens or even if nothing has happened, they will find something to think about and feel bad. They will come up with almost all possible ways in which things can go wrong, sit and then worry about it. They also believe that by thinking the most negative outcome of a situation, they are preparing themselves to withstand the consequences of any such calamity.
6. Life is miserable and the world is a cruel place.
People are unhappy because they are always complaining. They complain about everything including the world and their life. They blame others for anything that is not satisfactory; they even blame God for it. They say that life is meant to be miserable and that the world is a very cruel place. They reinstate this faith among their children thus forming a chain of negativity within the family.