What Is The Importance Of First Impression?

Photo Courtesy: bpsusf
First impressions play a huge role in deciding how your relationship with a person comes out for days to come. The reasons are various. When someone looks at you for the first time, or for that matter, even when you look at someone for the first time, you tend to go by the person’s look and behavior for forming an opinion of how the person is. We like to form an opinion of others as soon as we can so that we would know how to deal with a person in our life and the importance they would possibly have in our life.
First impressions of the person enable us to decide what course of action to take. If a first impression goes wrong, then it can take many days, and possibly even months or years before you make the other person realize he or she is wrong. In some cases, there is no time to make the other person realize that they have perceived you in the wrong way. If you go for an interview and blabber out something or do an act that is unlike you, you might have to pay for it by not having the job. There can be no second chance to prove to the interviewer that he/she has got a wrong perception about you.
The benchmark others set for us or what we set for others, on the basis of first impressions, is often hard to break. People tend to believe that what they thought first about the person is right and it takes a strong incident that proves otherwise for people to change their perception. This is so because, every human mind draws from past experiences to analyze the present and future. Also, ego, the belief that what one thinks is right and the notion that one was wrong in deciding about the other, comes as a hindrance to change one’s first impression about another.
The best thing, thus, to have a good first impression is to act the way you are. Let the person see the real you and then decide whether you are worthy to have a good impression on his/her life or not. If you act fake, chances are you would be neither you nor anybody else and end up becoming a fool. Having a good first impression makes life so much simpler!