What Should You Do When Nothing Is Going Right?

Photo Courtesy: Sander van der Wel
Life is a drama. It has its great times and also bad times. There are times when life is full of celebration and happiness. But, there are certain patches in life where everything goes wrong. Nothing seems to be right. These intervals of life are the hardest and painful experiences. Living life becomes harder every second. No matter how hard one tries, everything goes against their happiness. This adds to the agony and frustration. This particular time is the most testing in one’s life and not many make it through with success. People tend to give up and lose hope. With no strength to get through these tough times, many give up their colorful and valued lives. These times are hard but will pass eventually. Here is what one can do when nothing is going right.
The most important thing to do is to take a break. Instead of putting more effort that will go in vain, take a break. Relax. The mind and heart need peace, especially now. A good break will help you think better and give solutions to make things better. Taking a break will slow things down and help understand the situation better. Taking a break doesn’t mean that one takes a break from the problem itself. The problem will always be there until it is solved.
The key to overcoming these tough times is in oneself. Look for the solution within. In other words, you are the solution to these problems. Your tranquility, decisions and actions determine your future. Don’t lose hope. Hard times are a part of everyone’s life. If they could live through it, make the best of it, so can you. There are times where it can get really worse. Times like these take you on a ride. It is hard to have faith in making it through but it is possible. Always remember, no matter how dark the night gets, the sun always rises. Keep a calm head and believe in yourself. External support is always there. Friends, family or just plain luck will help but it is your strength and will to fight these tough times that will make you cross the finish line. These tough times, where nothing is going right, are tests put forward in life and it is up to you to conquer them and emerge victorious.