What to Do If You Fail While Facing a Challenge?

sxc.hu: ilco
Are you feeling blue because you let yourself down? Or someone else? Do you curse yourself for it? Well, that is normal. It’s not something you should worry about. All of us fail in something or the other. That is no reason to stop living. Here are a few tips on how to beat the blues and stand up on your feet again if you fail while facing a challenge.
1. Stop blaming yourself
First and foremost thing to do is to stop blaming yourself. May be it was your fault, may be it wasn’t. Doesn’t matter. What happened has happened. It’s time to move on with life. So stop cursing or punishing yourself for what happened. Only then will you be able to work on the other things.
2. Apologize
The next step to take would be to apologize. May be your mistakes caused someone harm. If it didn’t, then well, repeat step one. When you apologize, you feel lighter and better. No one is going to judge you for apologizing. It’s no shame to feel sorry. On the contrary, it shows courage that you are ready to accept your mistakes and correct them.
3. Introspect and learn
Do you want to be in this situation again? No. So avoid being in one. How? Learn from your mistakes and your past. While you’re at it, learn from others’ mistakes as well. Question yourself, about what went wrong, how, where, when etc. You’re sure to find answers. Now work on them. How do you stop them from recurring? How do you become a better person?
4. Implement
What is the use of just knowing the problem and answering it? You need to apply what you learn. If Zuckerberg had just studied about computers and not applied what he learnt, we would have never known something called ‘Facebook’. So, it is important to be practical in life. Show your answers in your actions. Like the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” People will trust you again only when they’re assured that you’ve corrected your mistakes and are willing to not let them happen again.
Get up, throw some cold water on the sweaty face, walk down those stairs and look up at the sky. The world outside is still a better place to be than on a couch or a bed, whining about what happened.