Why Should You Appreciate Your Employees?

Photo Courtesy: woodleywonderworks
“With great power comes great responsibility”, this quote from Spider-Man holds in almost every walk of life, especially in the workplace if you have people working under you! If you do not make sure your employees are content, you will regret losing them.
Appreciation for a job well done is absolutely vital. Think about it! What if you put in all your hard work and you did not even get a thank you in return?! Surely it would leave you bitter, not to mention your performance would not be your best the next time. After all, you will feel that no one really cares.
Agreed it is work, and you are paying to get it done, does not mean you can treat your employees like machines. To get the best out of people, you have to keep them motivated, to make them feel like their contribution is extremely valuable, that their work is necessary for you, and that you actually care if they do well at their job.
Evaluate yourself on how good are you at managing your employees. Do you praise them when they do a good job? Do you treat them with compassion and understanding? Do you appreciate them? Have you ever publicly showed your acknowledgement?
Appreciating and acknowledging your employees goes a long way in building your respect and getting your employees to feel happy about working for you. How hard is it to say a polite ‘thank you’, or to tell someone that they have done a bang on job and that you are proud of them?
These little nuances of basic human courtesies can change how your unit functions for the better. People do not work just for the remuneration; they work to have a sense of importance. Think about what motivates you to work. Chances are the human factors that encourage you to work hold for your employees as well. More than that, think about what you think will motivate your employees.
A little gesture of public appreciation, a polite word or two, a tiny bonus to show that you are proud, always making a point on focusing on the positives of the employees will make them feel like they belong. It is these trivial things that make all the difference.