Why Should You Listen To Your Inner Instincts?

sxc.hu: verzerk
Many a times people fail to understand the exact meaning of inner instinct and confuse it with what the inner self wants. In fact, inner instinct is merely a gut feeling that you get, which is in no way related to any want in any manner.
To illustrate, it can be as simple as when you take a right turn, but your inner instincts say take a left, it will be better for you. In such simple situations, it does not really matter if you dare to listen to your inner instincts, it’s much more than this. Obviously a person should listen to their instincts as no one would know what is better for a person than their self. If you believe in yourself and your decisions, which you should, there is no question of falling on the wrong side. Even if you do and you have to face tough luck, you need to carry on and make sure that does not happen again. The basic point is, everyone should dare listen to their instincts. Often people regret not doing so after they have already taken their decision. Why regret later when you can do what you want in the first place? Even if it does not turn out exactly how you pictured it to be or rather how your instinct told you it will, at least you have tried and will not regret it in the future. It is better to give it a shot, right? Take the case of a person you have recently met, and have a bad vibe about her/him which you get through your instinct. Consequently, the way you act around that person might change. But hey, aren’t you on the safer side? It is better than getting hit later, and paying for your mistakes of trusting a stranger.
Instincts can also be positive. This is the case where a person should be more careful listening to himself/herself as he/she is expecting something good and might be left unhappy. In the other situations, you were expecting something bad and therefore ended up on the good side. But in this situation, you need to be more cautious. Nothing is worse than getting beaten up due to your expectations. Go with your wit, but be on the safe side where you are neither completely here nor there. The aim is to be smart and balanced in a way that you follow your instincts regardless of any measure but also make sure it does not lead you to the wrong path.