5 Childlike Habits You Should Never Give Up

Photo Courtesy: wsilver
We always cherish our childhood memories, the care free life, the small reasons to be very happy and content. We all miss those days, but we change as we grow up in order to survive in this world. It isn’t very difficult to make life a little less complicated by following some childlike habits even today after being adults. Here are 5 childlike habits one should never give up.
1. You must not be egoistic
Our ego brings so much negativity into our lives, it is the reason why relationships break and the main cause for the bitterness between people. Life was easier as a child when the word ego didn’t exist, it was easier to love, forgive and let go. This is one childlike habit, of not getting your ego between that you should never give up.
2. You must not stop being honest
Children are so clean at heart and honest about whatever they say or do. Honesty is one thing that has become so rare in today’s world because we adults have forgotten the whole idea of being honest. It has become a world of dishonest and fake people with masks on. We must try and never give up on the childlike habit of being honest.
3. You should never put an end to learning and exploring
We adults are so worked up and busy all the time in our daily routine, that the need to learn something new and explore has died. As kids we were always curious and excited to learn something new each day, to explore something new and different. Now it’s all about what you know and what you need to know. Be curious and enthusiastic to learn, as there is no age to learn.
4. You should just love and not judge
As kids we didn’t discriminate or judge people without knowing them or even after knowing them, it was as simple as being and enjoying with someone as long as you like them for whoever they are. We adults constantly judge people, analyze and criticize them without any reason. We have set a criteria for friendship; everything is so mechanical and not emotional. We must stop being so judgmental.
5. You should always be happy and stress free
Like children, we must learn to find happiness in the smallest of things. The way they enjoy without worrying about the future. It is important to plan your future but not at the cost of your present; enjoy your present and find happiness in what you have right now in your hand.