5 Simple Ways To Make Someone Happy

5 Simple Ways To Make Someone Happy

Photo Courtesy: evoo73

Happiness is such a powerful word. The world goes to sleep with a prayer to be happy for the next day. Everyone has his or her own way for finding happiness. Someone can find it in their achievements in life; others may find it in a mere book or even a movie. There are some very funny things about happiness. It gets double when you share it with someone else. On the other hand, you can make yourself happy by making someone else happy. If you wish to practice the latter one, here are 5 simple ways how you can go about it.

1. Appreciation of work

Recognition is a very important motivational factor. If you praise someone’s work and recognize their efforts, it gives them immense happiness. From the CEO of a company to the cab driver, who has just made it possible for you to reach the airport just in time, everybody needs recognition for their work.

2. Empathize

Empathy is not being sympathetic to someone. It is acknowledging before a person that you know how it feels to walk with his/her shoes on. This makes the other person feel genuinely happy. There is nothing more beautiful than knowing that someone else understands your pain and your happiness.

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3. Delegating responsibility

Making someone feel ‘needed’ is another way to make him/her happy. If you can make a person feel that he/she is the right person whom you can trust with a responsibility, you will surely make that person happy. By telling your wife things like, “Honey, no one can ever make delicious pancakes like you do, where will I go without you?”, you can make her eyes sparkle with joy and pride.

4. Listen

This is one of the habits which people are neglecting these days. Truly listening to somebody needs concentration on your part. Being “heard” truly elevates a person’s happiness as well as confidence in most cases.

5. The ‘Feel Good’ Factor

The feel good factor varies from person to person. You can take your kids to an amusement park or a night-out camping and can make them happy. For your wife or girlfriend, a candlelight dinner will just do fine. Throwing a party or a arranging a road trip will certainly make your friends happy.

After reading this piece, have you realized how little you actually have to spend to make someone happy? And how ‘pricey’ happiness sounds in this modern life, where happiness is so rare?