5 Ways to Get Rid of Backbiters

Photo Courtesy: iMorpheus
You will find three types of people in your life: First, those who love you and are always with you no matter what; second, those who are friendly with you, will be with you when you are in need, will help you, but you do not mean much to them, so they are basically just neutral allies; third, the ones who are neither friendly, nor neutral, but harmful. The first two types of people are good to have in life, but the third type is friendly in front of you, but behind your back, talk ill and spread rumors about you. They are the ones who criticize you behind your back. They ruin your reputation by backbiting you. So, you must identify who these people are in your life, and take steps to get rid of them. Listed below are 5 effective steps to get rid of backbiters.
1. Identify them
The first step is to identify who these poisonous people are. You have to find a friend or a neutral ally (who is not a backbiter) who will make you aware of these people. Whether it is in your professional network or workplace, you will first have to figure out exactly who these people are and what all they have been saying about you. You have to be aware of the various gossips about you that are doing the rounds.
2. Confront them
Once you know who these backbiters are, the next step is to find an opportunity to catch them off guard and confront them. It is best done one backbiter at a time. You do not necessarily get into an argument, but what you must do is ask them why they are spreading unhealthy rumors about you behind your back and what they think about you that makes them do such things. It is always better to get a response first hand than to assume things or get information from elsewhere.
3. Discuss the issue
You must discuss the issue with the backbiters and if possible, come to terms with it amicably. If, however, you find that they are immature or are irrational, then obviously the best option is to walk away.
4. Move on
The next step is to leave all negativity behind you and move on. Whoever your backbiters are, remember that they are shrouded in a lot of negativity which is harming them more than anyone else. So, instead of thinking about them, you should get rid of them, abandon them from your life and move forward towards better things.
5. Avoid the backbiters’ circle
There is a circle of backbiters which you should avoid. These people are a close-knit group who like to spread rumors and gossip about people behind their back. Try your best to avoid them as much as you can because, you do not want to get involved in this vicious circle which never produces anything fruitful.