6 Useful Tips to Stop Postponing Work

Photo Courtesy: rdragan79
Procrastination is often said to be the mother of all evils and yet there are just a handful of people who are able to overcome it. Here are a few ways to avoid postponing your work and taking an action exactly when it is required.
1. Know what’s holding you back
Before you try to overcome the problem, it is important to understand what’s causing it. There could be two main reasons why you postpones work, either it is something that you do not like doing or it is something that you do not know how to do. Once you realize why you procrastinate, it will be easier to break the cycle.
2. Start with something easy
If postponing your work has been your ally for a long time, it will be unfair for you to expect a change overnight. Start by setting easier targets for yourself, something that you know you will be able to achieve. It could be something as simple as doing your laundry or cleaning the house. Once you realize these easy goals, it will give you some confidence to move on to bigger things.
3. Talk to your friends
Once you have decided on a particular goal, talk to people about it and make them aware of your commitment. The more people you share this with the better. This way your pride will give you the additional motivation to work at your aim.
4. Set strict deadlines
To make sure that you get things done on time, you need to set some strict deadlines. It is necessary to be aware of your own capabilities so that you set practical and reasonable goals for yourself. Be firm and don’t give up until you finish what you set out for.
5. Use motivational techniques
Surround yourself with things that would put you into action mode. Write something motivational on top of your mirror so that you are constantly reminded of your goal. Also, talk to people who you look up to and urge them to give you that extra push you need. Reading books that inspire you to achieve your target could also be a great solution.
6. Reward yourself
To make sure that you stay motivated to work towards your goals, you need to reward yourself after the completion of one. This will not only give you a sense of achievement but will fill you up with positive energy to give your best while aiming at your next goal.