7 Reasons Why a Bully Targets You

Photo Courtesy: trix0r
Bullying depends on both the bully and the target. The bully always chooses his targets, looking for certain weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Sometimes, he picks a target who exhibits particular traits. Ever wondered why you get picked on? Here are 7 reasons why bullies target you.
1. You’re smart and intelligent
Bullies many a times target sincere students who are serious and dedicated to their work. So they might find it annoying that everyone respects you and perceives you as nice and smart.
2. You’re a loner
Bullies target people who have very few friends and who do not roam around in large groups. It is easier for a bully to target you if you are alone and helpless because you may not be able to do anything on your own.
3. Your looks make you stand out
If you appear different from others in terms of features or the way you dress, you are likely to be a target of bullies. They will make fun of you and try to break your confidence by making you conscious about how you look or carry yourself.
4. You lack confidence
Bullies might target you if you don’t look confident or appear to be scared and vulnerable. They will see you as an easy target and try to suppress you. They will naturally assume that you won’t be able to stand up for yourself or react.
5. You have a physical disability or illness
Bullies are insensitive and might not spare you even if you are physically weak or have some illness. They will take advantage of your weakness assuming that you will not be able to protect yourself or fight back.
6. You are popular
If you are liked by everybody, you might be the target of a bully. Bullies get jealous of people who create a good impression in front of everyone. They might target you because they are jealous of the attention and admiration people shower on you.
7. You are an introvert
If you interact less with other people, prefer staying quiet and are not very loud, you might become a popular target for bullies. They may pick on you because they know no one will take notice and you won’t have the power to react.