7 Reasons Why You Must Live in the Countryside

Photo Courtesy: Nuria Carballo
There are a number of pros and cons of city life as well as country life. If you are having trouble choosing the right environment to live in, bring up your family or are contemplating a switch, then this list which shows the advantages of living in the countryside should help you out.
1. Less noise
The over all pollution around you reduces considerably when you start living in the countryside. Irritating noises that become a part and parcel of city life such as honking of cars, sounds of sirens, people bustling about, etc., don’t have to be borne in the peaceful countryside area.
2. No pollution
The air is much more purer, cleaner and fresher in the countryside. You can actually see the huge amount of stars clearly in the sky due to the the clearance of the air sans pollutants like dust, smoke, fog, etc.
3. More relaxed pace of life
The overall pace of life in the country is very relaxed and not at all stressful. It gives you the chance to enjoy the little things in life, connect with nature’s bounty and gives you a lot more time on hand than the city life does. Stress and heart related diseases are mostly prevalent among the urban crowd and not the country crowd.
4. Fresh pure stuff to eat and drink
The country life allows you to build an organic garden or farm of your own. You can eat homegrown vegetables, drink freshly squeezed milk and eat freshly cut meat. The city crowd meanwhile has to make do with days old food items and worry about their freshness.
5. A good environment for children
If you are a woman with a family, listen up. Shifting to the countryside will highly benefit your children. They will be more active, fitter and healthier, thanks to the absence of pollutants, fast foods, crime, stress and other such evils of city life.
6. More space
You don’t have to live in cramped apartments, the size of matchboxes in tall towers when residing in the country. There is plenty of space for everyone to have their own room in a spacious cottage, along with a garden, pool and other such facilities and still not blow up the kind of money you would spend on a single little flat in the city.
7. Better for health
A considerably decreased amount of sound and air pollution gives anyone a better sense of peace. Lesser allergies, lung diseases and hearing problems are the advantages of choosing the country life. Also, since people living there choose to eat fresh homegrown food rather than stuff fast food in their mouths without thinking, while rushing from one place to another, like in the city, they get healthier.