7 Tips to Stay Grounded After Success
The taste of success is sweeter after a jolt of failure. In order to continue down the road to success, you need to be grounded. Cultivate the feeling of humility and value your success. You need to remember that you are not successful only because of your efforts; there are many other contributing factors. Here are 7 tips to say grounded after success.
1. Do not ill treat your subordinates
You might be on cloud 9 now but that does not mean you treat people who work for you with disrespect. It only shows that success has gotten into your head.
2. You can never eliminate a competition
Today you might be the winner in the race, but it may not always be the case. There will be another competition where someone better than you takes the victory away from you. So don’t give up on your efforts.
3. Volunteer with charity events and programmes
Volunteer with charity events and programs but not only by donating money. You need to be involved in helping the less privileged to value what you have in life. It will help you stay grounded.
4. Always keep your hobbies intact
Always be closely connected to your inner self by continuing to engage in the activities that you did. Whether it’s pottery, gardening, boating, reading, you must not give up on your hobbies.
5. Always be in touch with your family
Wherever you are today, it’s because of your parent’s upbringing and the emotional support. Keeping them close to you will help you realize that different people have contributed to your high success quotient.
6. Keep a diary to have a record of your past experiences
Always remember your struggling phase in life. It will help you stay humble, grounded and focused. And always remind you that just because it’s behind you, it does not mean it can not happen.
7. There is no time to rest back and relax
Don’t be the over confident rabbit in the race. You need to be focused like the tortoise and have slow but sure success. So always continue to work hard. Just because you are in a better place now, it should not affect the intensity with which you accomplish your tasks.